Wednesday, November 5, 2008


i honestly don't know how many people will read this blog or if they will even care to continue reading it once i start posting some of my poems. but i thought that i should introduce myself and give blogger a try and see how things go.

for starters, my name is dee. i am 21 years old and a junior in college. i am majoring in popular culture and minoring in women's studies. and yes i can say that i am a feminist. i am an only child, a falling away catholic and a democrat (Viva Obama!!!). i have been a type one diabetic since 1/1/2002. so what...that'll be *does quick math* 7 years this January.

some of my favorite things include vampires, reading, writing poems, sleeping, hanging out with my friends, shopping and wasting vast amounts of time on facebook.

i created this blog to post poems and musings and to just be honest about things that are going on. i may be extremely bitchy one post and quite calm the next like nothing ever happend. my poetry style is stream of consciousness and usually starts with a line that pops into my head or a look on someones face. all i hope is that you like what i have to offer.

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