Thursday, December 11, 2008


ta-da!! here i am. yes, i'm still alive and i know it's been almost 20 days since i last updated this boring blog that only 3 people follow and have no idea if anyone else reads it that i don't know about...which is probably nobody. so why am i wondering that? i have no idea.

thanksgiving break in a nutshell

nov.26-saw Twilight -->enjoyed it very much. have read the frist three books and working on Breaking Dawn (forgive me for being a slow reader i can't help it. and college is overwhelming. especially if you're trying to disect feminism and understand it. Fun Fact: i am a Popular Culture Major and Women's Studies Minor). christmas break starts on the 18th for me, so i will get it done before the year is out. but Twilight...they could have done a few things way better. and i'm still not so crazy about Robert Pattinson. #1. i don't think he's cute. #2.i hate chest hair. but that's a different story.

nov.27-thanksgiving was thanksgiving. mashed potatoes. green bean casserole. red wine. Uno and Apples to Apples. make my day!

nov.28-did Black Friday for the first time in my life. but i Black Friday'd at Half Price Books. now for ya'll who don't know what that this now: this is probably like my favorite store. next to Hot Topic and Target.

nov.29-spent the day with my BFF Rastko (rhymes with Boscoe) we went to a college basketball game, my uncle's for church (yes, another fun fact: one of my uncles is a catholic priest. althought i am an extremely lapsed catholic - yet again, a different story) and hung out at my house and when out for dinner with my parents. Rastko is basically the best guy best friend ever and no, he's not gay...slightly metro due to the fact that he's European.

and then the 30th i came back to school cuz break was over.

and did anyone else watch CSI tonight and think it was creepy and sad at the same time?