Monday, February 2, 2009

25 facts

i posted the 25 facts thingy on facebook and had 25 people to tag but don't have 25 people to tag here but BIBI tagged me so i'll post mine. most of these are copy/paste from my facebook note.

alright, here's the rules-if you get tagged, you write a note with 25 facts about yourself, and tag 25 people (including me).here goes nothing:

1) i am beyond excited for the new Depeche Mode album.
2) beauty and the beast is my favorite disney movie.
3) i wish more people would major or minor in Women's Studies
4) i don't have a favorite song
5) my two best friends are the best things that have ever happened to me. they are my world and the brother and sister i've never had but always needed. sarah is my sunshine and rastko is my critic and sounding board. i love them so much.
6) i still sleep with stuffed animals
7) kate winslet is my favorite actress.
8) i love red wine.
9) i love getting mail.
10) violin chello and piano make me very calm.
11) i love making mixes.
12) i love scrapbooking
13) i think way too much.
14) having a family is very important to me and i really want to be a good mom someday.
15) 70s rock makes me cringe.
16) i think German is a very sexy language.
17) i talk to myself. a lot.
18) i admire confident people
19) i like listening to people talk.
20) the first two things i notice about guys are their eyes and their hands.
21) i used to not like having curly hair. now i love it.
22) i like movies that make me think.
23) i'm still sad about Heath Ledger's death
24) going to europe is high up on my things to do before i die list
25) i'm terrified of graduating from college next year